Dental Exam & Cleaning in Brampton, ON

At Bramwest Family Dental in Brampton ON, we believe that optimal oral health has a significant impact on our patients’ lives. For that reason, we provide excellent preventive dental services to help our patients improve or maintain their health overall. Preventive dental services at Bramwest Family Dental include dental exams and cleaning in Brampton, ON.

Dental Exams in Brampton, ON

A comprehensive dental exam and cleaning in Brampton, ON involve several steps. Dr. Turna, your dentist will perform both a visual inspection and a tactile exam. A periodontal exam and oral cancer screening will also be performed during this visit. The goal is to check for abnormalities in the mouth, neck, and head. In addition, x-rays are taken to detect tooth decay, problems with existing dental work, bone and gum recession, and other underlying issues.

Periodontal Examinations

Strong, healthy teeth require healthy gums. It is important to know that the gums often become infected. When this happens, treatment is needed to avoid the spread of infection or tooth loss. Therefore, a periodontal exam is an evaluation of your gum health. Your dentist in Brampton uses a special probe to measure the depth of the pockets between your teeth and gums. If these gum pockets are enlarged, plaque and bacteria can build up in the gaps and cause infection.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Thousands of people are diagnosed with mouth cancer every year. For that reason, Dr. Turna will complete a thorough oral cancer screening with every dental exam and cleaning. This is a check of all the soft tissues of the mouth to look for changes, spots, and/or lesions. When detected early, the chance of survival improves greatly. Therefore, oral cancer screening saves lives!

Teeth Cleanings in Brampton, ON

A dental hygienist usually performs professional teeth cleaning near you. Specialized tools are used to remove plaque and tartar buildup from every tooth. This gentle process is done without damaging tooth enamel. After every tooth surface is clean, your teeth will be flossed and polished. At this time, some patients will receive a topical fluoride treatment or dental sealants for added cavity-fighting protection.

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