The dentist’s decision to do a root canal or a tooth extraction in Brampton, ON will largely depend on the severity of the decay and damage. It is worth noting that root canal treatment is only done when you have an infected pulp. The purpose of a root canal is to stop the spread of the infection and preserve your teeth. While tooth extraction is mostly done on severely damaged teeth, there are certain conditions that require the removal of the teeth.
The goal of most dental professionals is to preserve your teeth and maintain your oral health. Therefore, the dentist will only recommend you get a tooth removal near you when it is necessary.
Tooth extraction is the pulling of the teeth from the socket or underneath the gums. Extraction is classified into two; surgical and simple extraction. The simple extraction is done on the visible teeth while the surgical ones are done on the teeth that lie underneath the gums.
A tooth removal dentist may recommend tooth extraction in the following situations:
1.Impacted teeth
The commonly affected teeth are the wisdom teeth that usually come out between age 17 and 25. Wisdom teeth get impacted because of a lack of space in the jaw, which forces them to get trapped underneath the gums. At times, the teeth can partially come out through the gums causing pain and swelling. Impacted teeth can also cause the jaw and other teeth to weaken. It is crucial to get wisdom teeth removal near you to prevent further complications.
2.Severely decayed teeth
A bacterial infection affects the pulp and as it advances it causes the teeth to decay. This eventually causes the tooth to get damaged and will require a tooth extraction. Cavities in the initial stages do not have obvious symptoms and can easily go unnoticed. That’s why it is recommended you get regular checkups to examine your teeth and gums. This way the dentist in Brampton, ON will do an infected teeth removal if he noticed an infection and stop it from spreading.
3.Fractured teeth
Usually, mild fractures do not need treatment. The dentist can do dental bonding and repair the teeth. However, if the fracture extends to the nerves of the teeth, you may need an emergency tooth extraction to ease the discomfort.
4.Periodontal disease
Gum diseases cause gums to recede, exposing the roots. This increases the risk of decay and also affects the supporting bone. The dentist may recommend tooth extraction as part of your periodontal disease to prevent further deterioration of the bone.
Dental overcrowding occurs when you have narrow jaws that cannot accommodate all your teeth. When your teeth overlap, it can affect your dental health. Overcrowding is corrected with orthodontic treatment. The dentist may recommend tooth extraction to pave way for orthodontia (the correction of your teeth’ position).
Tooth extraction can last between 15 and 60 minutes based on the kind of extraction done. A simple extraction is usually straightforward the dentist pulls the teeth with dental forceps.
Surgical teeth removal is a bit complicated. The dentist will first make an incision on the gums to access the jaw. The impacted teeth may be cut into little pieces for easy removal. The gums are stitched after the procedure to facilitate healing.
You will experience bleeding, soreness, and discomfort after the procedure. The dentist in Brampton, ON will place a gauze pad on the socket to control bleeding and prescribe medication to ease the discomfort. A blood clot will also form in the socket after the teeth are pulled to support the healing process.
The recovery will also depend on the type of procedure done. It takes around three days for the gums to heal after a simple extraction. Surgical extraction recovery takes a little bit of time as the soft tissue need to heal.
Visit Bramwest Dental for more information if you have severer and persistent pain, tooth sensitivity, and swelling in your jaw for an assessment and tooth extraction.